HMC Child Care provides quality child care services for children in Harrisburg. Our licensed centers offer full-day care.
Below are more information on our programs:
Daily routines are designed around the individual feeding, diapering, and sleeping schedule of each infant.
Caregivers include many learning opportunities within these routines by talking with each infant, playing simple one on one games, and encouraging emerging skills throughout the day.
The room is designed so that play spaces, individual cribs, diapering area, and eating area are easily monitored by caregivers.
Toddlers are in constant motion! You will see them actively exploring their environment trying new ways of doing things. Caregivers spend much of their day facilitating the children’s play choices while encouraging social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and beginning language development.
The daily schedule is organized around repeated routines that include, diapering, toileting, dressing, eating, and napping. It also includes free play and outside time. Caregivers utilize these routines to nurture learning and as relationship building opportunities.
Our programs strive to provide preschoolers with a safe, healthy, stimulating and caring early learning environment. Activities and routines are designed around children’s interests and developmental needs. The preschool classrooms are divided into interest areas such as blocks, dramatic play, books, puzzles, manipulatives, art exploration, and science discovery.
The daily schedules offer opportunities for children to make choices about what they want to explore and learn more about while also providing structured and facilitated activities to help support children as they acquire new skills.
Mixed-age classrooms provide opportunities for preschool children, ages 3 to 5 years, to interact with other preschoolers of varying ages and abilities. This model encourages peer modeling and fosters the development of leadership skills for older children. For the younger children, this model offers a variety of increased opportunities for development including social skills and language development.